The space between your breathe is where the magic can happen.

How aware are you of your breathing right now? Or throughout your day?

Did you check in with it as you read the above? Was it shallow and short? Deep or long?

Once we become aware of our breathing it becomes incredibly powerful. When we acknowledge the space between our breath and begin to quieten our mind chatter and thoughts that's where the magic happens. The magic of intuition, creativity and inspiration.

Here is a short breathing exercise from psychic medium Michelle Beltran:

Sit up right, meeting this moment with dignity.

Put your bare feet on the ground.

Rest your palms gently on your lap, face upward.

Make an agreement with your left brain you will come back to it for any unfinished business or daily on-goings after these few moments of deep breathing.

For now, you are here, with your breath.

Be aware of your breathing right now.

Feel the gradual rise and fall of your chest.

Can you feel the sensation of the breath?

Feel the air moving in and out of your lungs and body. Listen to the sound of your inhale and exhale?

Now, if you can, pay attention and be as present as possible with the space in between each breath. Continue to breathe.

Just one conscious breath – a breath taken with mindfulness – is enough to make some space when in the moments before there was the uninterrupted relentless mind chatter and thought, one after the other after the other. Breathing brings this to a standstill.

A few breaths at various moments in your day will bring space into your life.

It replaces thinking.

Michelle Beltran said - Deep breathing and quieting of the mind, which we often find in meditation and yoga, actually shifts your brain. It temporarily adjusts the parts of your brain called the lateral prefrontal cortex and the medial prefrontal cortex. The lateral prefrontal cortex is responsible for regulating your emotional responses and automatic behaviours and habits. The medial prefrontal cortex is responsible for constantly reviewing past experiences, responses, and behaviours. These two automatic sets of responses work to prevent you from quieting your mind. Breathing slows those responses and gives you enough control to allow you to truly quiet your mind.

Gem x