I’m beginning to notice things I didn’t before
Like your tiny gumboots waiting at the door
Curious fingernails with dirt underneath
The way you say “ahhhh” as I brush those small teeth
Your little frayed toothbrush, where once there were two
The light in your eyes when you discover something new
Tissues upon tissues for that button nose
Hanging mountains of washing of tiny clothes
Colours and mess as I watch you creating
Painting with food while the dog sits there waiting
Those wobbly thighs before you hit the floor
A cuddle and a kiss as you try once more
The content that I feel, seeing your full round tum
The love that I have for that cushioned nappy bum
That perfect home, remembering clean
Realising now, this is a what a home means
My mind clouded daily with nursery songs
The sweetest sound I ever heard when you sing along
Alerting me to every car, truck and plane
On our walks in the morning, every day it’s the same
The longest nights as I stroke your hair
Your eyes flutter closed just knowing I’m there
The way you find joy in the simplest of things
In every season and what it brings
Understanding sometimes these may feel like a chore
Will be my fondest memories when I don’t have them anymore
Before the training wheels come off and those new teeth come through
I’ll revel in these moments, this version of you.
By our talented contributing writer - Jess Urlichs